Human Rights and Peace Observatory
El observatorio de derechos humanos y paz del Instituto Popular de Capacitación es un ejercicio académico y político de investigación/acción/participación que se adelanta desde el año 1994, con el que se busca la producción social de conocimiento a partir de la investigación social, el análisis y la sistematización; la producción de opinión para la construcción de opinión pública; la educación popular para la transformación cultural; la incidencia en la construcción y transformación democrática de la institucionalidad del Estado; y la incidencia la construcción democrática de políticas públicas que garanticen y protejan de manera efectiva los DDHH de los individuos y los derechos colectivos de los pueblos y los pobladores en sus territorios.
The observatory aims to transcend the formal and instrumental concepts of human rights to contribute to the analysis and monitoring of situated contexts, hand in hand with the organizational processes that it accompanies in the different territories of the department, taking as a starting point, in addition to the collection of data and quantitative and qualitative information, the popular knowledge that the communities entail. Hence, it focuses not only on monitoring the exercise and violation of civil and political rights, but also on monitoring socio-environmental conflicts and their effects on communities; the commitment to memory processes, transitional justice, collective reparation and peace building. As a result of this work, the Observatory has included in its analysis the rights of nature as a possibility for territories and communities to continue the struggle for their social and political demands.
At present, its intervention is focused on research, political and legal accompaniment by promoting legal actions in defense of human, social, economic, cultural and environmental rights.
To this end, it works with various civil society organizations, universities, think tanks and public and private institutions, such as the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), of which it is an associate center, and with the Council for Popular Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (CEAAL); at the national level, with the Coordination Colombia Europe United States -CCEEU- platform, the Social Process of Guarantees, the Roundtable for Human Rights in the face of corporate power and, recently, the Colombian Network of Popular Advocacy, a process promoted by the Latin American Institute for an Alternative Society and Law -ILSA-. This work is in addition to that carried out with Afro-descendant, indigenous and peasant communities, women's, environmental, youth, cultural and victims' organizations in sub-regions such as Bajo Cauca, Northeast, Southwest, West and Valle de Aburrá.
As part of this process, the Observatory has two permanent annual publications in which it disseminates information on the state of the human rights situation in Antioquia: the annual Bulletin on the current state of human rights in Antioquia and the publication of the journal Relecturas, which is currently in its 44th volume.
Trabajo reciente
Territories of action
Bajo Cauca
In the Bajo Cauca sub-region, the Observatory, together with organizations such as the Pluriethnic Network for the Defense of Territory and Human Rights, which brings together around 103 communities and Afro-descendant, indigenous, peasant, fishermen, environmental, women's and victims' organizations, has been working on accompaniment, research and action on issues such as:
- Memory, in terms of cases of forced disappearance in the context of the armed conflict.
- Impacts of mining exploitation in the river basin, with a special focus on the impacts on women's bodies in the municipality of Nechí and the village of Puerto Claver, in the municipality of El Bagre.
- The implementation of point 1 of the peace agreement "Integral Rural Reform".
- Accompaniment as members of the advisory team to the Guardians of the Cauca River, thus recognized as of sentence 038 of 2019 that declared the Cauca River as a subject of rights and which was issued by the Superior Court of Medellin.
- Accompaniment in the discussion of the land use planning model in the Serranía de San Lucas.
- Accompaniment in the construction of a citizen control mechanism for the implementation of the Plan de Ordenamiento y Manejo de Cuenca -POMCA- of the lower-middle basin of the Nechí River.
- Accompaniment in the documentation and constitution of the Asociación de Campesinos del Bajo Cauca -ASOCBAC- as subjects of collective reparation and in the filing of a precautionary measure before the Inter-American Human Rights System for this organization and its members.
Valle de Aburrá
In the subregion of Valle de Aburrá, the Observatory has a work of accompaniment, research and action on issues such as:
- Participation in the Air Quality and Public Health Movement.
- The construction of a training school in human rights, which works on research and communication skills of young people to document and denounce the violation of human rights from the youth in Medellin.
- Promoting strategies aimed at the prevention and protection of children, adolescents and young people in contexts of recruitment and use by armed groups.
In the sub-region of Northeastern Antioquia, the Observatory, together with the Association of People Affected by the Porce River -AFEPORCE-, has been working on accompaniment, research and action on issues such as:
- Documentation and characterization of a comparative case study on the impacts of the Porce II, III and IV project, carried out by Empresas Públicas de Medellín.
- The documentation and characterization of a comparative case study on the impacts of the exploration and extractive exploitation of the Gramalote project, carried out by AngloGold Ashanti Colombia in the municipality of San Roque.
- Legal support to the Association of People Affected by the Porce River -AFEPORCE-.
In the sub-region of Southwest Antioquia, the Observatory, hand in hand with the Western Environmental Belt and the Environmental Roundtable of Jericho, has a work of accompaniment, research and action on issues such as:
- The documentation and characterization of a comparative case study on the impacts of the exploration and intended extractive exploitation of the Quebradona Copper Mining project, carried out by AngloGold Ashanti Colombia.
- Legal support to farmers in the municipality of Jericho who were sued by AngloGold Ashanti Colombia.
In the subregion of western Antioquia, the Observatory has research and action work on issues such as:
- The documentation and characterization of a comparative case study on the impacts of the extractive exploitation of the Buriticá Mine project, carried out by ZIJING-CONTINENTAL GOLD.
Other territories
Associations with which we work
- Association of People Affected by the Porce River -AFEPORCE-
- Western Environmental Belt
- Environmental Board of Jericho
- Red Pluriétnica por la Defensa del Territorio y los Derechos Humanos del Bajo Cauca