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Solsoc's network of partners speaks out on the situation in Palestine

29 partner organizations condemn all forms of violence against civilians and violations of international law.

Red organizaciones SOLSOC

We are a network of 29 partner organizations based in 9 countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Morocco, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Belgium and Palestine. We met in Brussels for an international seminar organized by the Belgian NGO Solsoc.

Deeply concerned about the rapidly deteriorating situation of the Palestinian and Israeli peoples, strongly condemn all forms of violence against civilians and violations of international law.

We listened to a representative of one of our Palestinian partner organizations who is a member of the network. He said: "We like freedom, we like peace" and several times he said: "We don't like war!

He spoke to us about the fear in which Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank live today, fear of not waking up too early, fear of going out on the streets, fear of moving, fear of the consequences of the total blockade for the inhabitants of Gaza.

In the face of the Palestinians' loss of confidence in the international community, given their deafening silence in the face of the continued colonization and apartheid policy pursued by the Israeli government, he recalled the importance of the support of civil society worldwide and its role in challenging governments and international bodies.

As civil society organizations, we appeal to the Belgian government and the European Union, we demand:

  • An immediate ceasefire
  • Creation of humanitarian corridors in Gaza
  • Lifting of the blockade of Gaza
  • The end of the occupation
  • The end of apartheid

Impose sanctions on Israel until it complies with international law.

We invite civil society organizations, the governments of our various countries and the United Nations to defend these demands and finally support a true peace process and self-determination for the Palestinian people.