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Economía Social y solidaria

The project seeks to strengthen the work of networks to promote the defense of the territory, promoting strategies for the rejection of extractivist policies, the protection, conservation and restoration of natural assets as environmental heritage, and advocacy in public policies of social and solidarity economy and the defense of human rights. It also seeks to develop alternative economic systems such as agroecological production and social and solidarity economy circuits that guarantee food security, participatory governance, empowerment and participation of women, reduction of exclusion and peace building in the territories. 

On the other hand, this project seeks to strengthen decent work as a model for a just, equitable, solidarity-based and inclusive transition through job creation, guaranteeing labor rights, social protection and the promotion of social dialogue.

Territories of action

The project is being developed in the subregions of Urabá and Bajo Cauca, with advocacy actions through the Sembrando Paz and Plurietnica Networks and in other municipalities of the department, through the Colombian Network of Biological Agriculture, RECAB. Each network, in the respective sub-region, works on strategies for:

Advocacy in peace agreements and territorial defense:
Roundtables with different territorial actors to discuss strategies for the recovery of areas degraded by mining and peasant reserve zones. Mobilizations to demand compliance with the peace agreements. Participation in transitional justice mechanisms (JEP and Search Unit). Monitoring and advocacy in public policies.

Social and Solidarity Economy Circuits:
It carries out activities such as farmers' markets, which promote the diagnosis of seed production systems for the creation of community houses for native and creole seeds, and meetings to promote responsible consumption with potential consumers of the networks.

Participation in socio-political training schools, SSE and organizational strengthening. Peasant training school, "Seeds of Identity" school.

Associations with which we work

  • Red sembrando paz de Urabá

    It is present in nine municipalities of Urabá with three driving organizations.

    1. Land Claimants Association, Tierra y Paz.

    2. peasant association of San José de Apartadó, ACASA.

    3. Multi-active Cooperative, Cacaovive

    Conoce más en: The Network multi-ethnic of the Bajo Cauca reaffirms the importance of a #DistritoParaLaVida

  • Red pluriétnica por la defensa del territorio y los derechos humanos del Bajo Cauca

    Tiene presencia en el Bajo Cauca y está compuesta por más de 100 organizaciones, resguardos indígenas, consejos cominitarios afrodescendientes, asociaciones de pescadores y agricultores, y asociaciones de víctimas y ambientales.

    Conoce más en: Pronunciamiento Red Pluriétnica por la Defensa del Territorio y los DDHH de Bajo Cauca

  • Colombian Organic Agriculture Network, Recab

    It is present in the regions of Oriente, Occidente, Norte, Nordeste, Valle de Aburrá, Suroeste, Urabá and Bajo Cauca.